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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 10/18/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Thursday, October 18, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Chairman Mark Berry, Moe Barocas, Julia Willecke, Celeste Makely

Absent: Emily Beebe

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05

Minutes of 10/4/07
Barocas moved to approve the minutes of October 4, 2007.  Willecke seconded ant the motion carried 4-0.

Follow-up on October 9 Meeting with BOS
The BWC was unclear about the process for the Charter changes for the Water Commissioners.  The secretary will find out if a ballot for the Charter changes approved at the April 2007 Annual Town Meeting is a required step after filing with the Attorney General and the one year waiting period.  The Board of Selectmen agreed on the formation of a wastewater committee.  Health Agent Hilary Greenberg is preparing a mission statement for the wastewater committee.  Barocas moved that Emily Beebe be the Board of Water Commissioners’ representative on the wastewater commission.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  The BWC further requested that the mission statement be forwarded to them as soon as it is written.  The other item discussed at the BOS meeting was water for the fire station.  The Health Agent has an agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to use the well at the school site.  Barocas said there should also be a letter sent to the Selectmen with copies to the Acting Town Administrator and the Head of the DPW clarifying any misimpressions about administrative and DPW cooperation in regards to implementing the spirit of the Charter before the April 2008 date for the changes Charter to be formalized.

Follow-up on Tank Site Search
 Added to the petition against siting a water tower at the Coles Neck Well Site were 10 more names from homeowners in that vicinity.  There has been no response so far from the Wellfleet realtors regarding the search for a private site for a water tank.  Makely asked about the Wellfleet-by-the-Sea and White Crest municipal land.  The BWC will ask EPG through Rex for a preliminary study of feasibility of this site within the National Seashore. The Board discussed pumping stations as a less desirable alternative to a water tank.  

Finalizing Survey
The Board considered the map depicting properties with an interest in connecting to an expanded water system.  Berry requested a map of the responding parties who were not interested in hooking up. Barocas suggested inviting Environmental Partners Group (EPG) representatives to give their interpretation of the interest levels for planning potential spurs to the water main route or  additions to the route.   One question for the engineers is the degree of hurricane sustainability of a water tower.
Budget Schedule
Berry moved to recommend a level funded $500 budget line for FY09.  Willecke seconded and the motion carried 4-0.  

Whitewater Chemical Reports dated October 10, 2007 were distributed.  Whitewater monitors the Coles Neck Well Site everyday.  The Board was concerned what chemicals are in the water now and what might be in the expanded system with a tank.  

Makely moved to adjourn.  Willecke seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________         __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                        Mark Berry, Chairman
